Letter Q: Displaying 61 - 80 of 615
for the neck of a blouse to be big enough to stick one’s head through.
for an animal, a drunk, a sick person or anyone’s breathing to sound bubbly.
A. Un burracho que está dormido se movió su saliba cuando respiró. “Cuando fuimos a la plaza pasamos a ver un burracho en el camino rucando en el sol”. B. se escure la saliba.
for a baby or a sick person’s head to tip to the side.
# Un bebé se caen del cuello cuando acaba de nacer y todavía no se maciza sus huesos. “Cuando nació el bebé de Olga se caía mucho del cuello porque su papá no lo abrazaba bien”.
for part of a person’s head to be hanging off the side of the bed or crib where they are lying down.
to tie s.t. on a demesticated animal’s neck.
Orthographic Variants: 

to support something (See Karttunen)

the opening of the throat.
the opening of the throat.
Orthographic Variants: 

to twist the neck, to wring someone's neck, to strangle someone (See Karttunen)


twisted or broken-necked (adjective)

for a person, animal or object to have a crooked neck.

to make someone rise up; to make something go higher (applicative of quetza)

James Lockhart, Nahuatl as Written: Lessons in Older Written Nahuatl, with Copious Examples and Texts (Stanford: Stanford University Press and UCLA Latin American Studies, 2001), 231.

to light fire to s.t. dry.
# nic. Una persona le pone carbón prendido una hierba o papel lo que está seco. “Teresa le dice a su hermano menor que le ponga carbón prendido aquellas hojas de maíz”.
# nic. Una persona mete una leña prendida en algún lugar porque quiere que se prenda. “Martín cuando le hizo enojar su hermanito lo quemó con un carbón prendida”.

to turn the head back and forth (see Molina)

Orthographic Variants: 

to wring the neck (See Karttunen)

to choke someone, putting one's hand on their throat (see Molina)

to strangle someone by squeezing their throat (see Molina)

to strangle someone by putting one's hands around someone's neck and squeezing (see Molina)