to uncover oneself or bare one's back (see Molina)
to break one's back; or, to break the back of someone else (see Molina)
the kidneys (see Molina)
the loins or lower back of an animal (see Molina)
in the back of, behind, following (see Carochi); or, a lazy and negligent person; or, a dung heap (see Molina)
someone hump-backed (see Karttunen)
to have a broken back or to have a considerable back ache (see Molina)
to carry something on one's back; to bring up the rear (see Karttunen)
back-bone (see Karttunen)
having a broken back or spine (see Molina)
for one's kidneys to ache (see Molina)
a painful kidney or back ache (see Molina)
an ache of the back or kidney (see Molina)
for the kidneys to ache (see Molina)
one who has a kidney condition (see Molina)
the back; the upper part of the back (see Molina)
for the kidneys to ache (see Molina; same as cuiltlapantlehualani)