C / CH

Letter C/CH: Displaying 5521 - 5540 of 5732
1. to pick up that which is scattered. 2. to pick little things off something else. 3. for s.o. who is going to go someplace, to get their things together.
# 1. nic. Una persona junta cosas que están separados. “Pedro vuelve agarrar el maíz porque su hijo no lo agarró bien”. 2. nimo. Una persona junta lo es de él cuando de visita. “Miguel cuando va en la casa de su mamá junta toda su ropa porque tarda”.
to pick little things off something else.
# nic. Una persona le quita una cosa pequeña a alguien o otra cosa. “Mi hermano(a) le quita tecuihcuini mi papá en su camisa porque había ido a la milpa y agarró mucho”.
wrinkled skin or clothing.

the anus (see Sahagún)


to get out of trouble (see Molina: salirseme el sieso); this expression seems to be tied to cuilchilli, the anus, in some way (SW)

to write or paint something for someone else (see Molina)


to take something for oneself; to take something for or from someone (see Karttunen and Molina)

1. to take s.t. away from s.o. 2. to take s.t. for oneself. 3. for a man to abduct a woman for himself.
# 1. nic. Una persona, un animal silvestre y un animal domestico le quita a otro una cosa o a alguien. “El puerco le quitó la ciruela de Manuel”. 2. nimo. Una persona, un animal silvestre o un animal domestico agarra una cosa para él. “Cuando me invitan en algún lugar para ayudar, no me espero que me den una cosa, yo solo lo agarro”. 3. nimo. Un hombre roba a una mujer para él. “Yo me casé con una mujer que no me quería”.

to increase in value greatly (see Molina)


a very thin or skinny man (see Molina)

Orthographic Variants: 

to write or paint; to record, as in a census

Orthographic Variants: 

a design, a decoration; also, a personal name (attested as male)

Orthographic Variants: 

a piece of writing, a painting, or something with a design (see attestations); the initial "i" on this word drops away before tla-, as in tlacuilolli, which has probably contributed to the evolution of the word cuilolli

Orthographic Variants: 
cuilonj, cuilloni

a homosexual male
Fray Bernardino de Sahagún, Prímeros Memoríales, ed. Thelma D. Sullivan (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1997), 253.


to commit a heinous crime (see Molina); seems to refer to homosexuality

Orthographic Variants: 

a heinous crime or sin, committed by one man with another man (see Molina); i.e. homosexuality

Orthographic Variants: 

stick (see Karttunen)

place with many cuilotl trees.
place where there are many cuilocuahuitl trees.