to sing continuously; or, to provide banquets (see attestations)
a cricket, or a species of grasshopper (see Molina)
a type of cricket, grasshopper (see Karttunen)
to hold a banquet (see attestations, Sahagún)
to cluck (for a chicken to make its sound) (see Molina) (an onomatopoetic word)
something painted with various colors (see Molina)
to take things, to take something from others; to commit robbery (see Karttunen); or, to resist (see Molina)
Fray Bernardino de Sahagún, Primeros Memoriales, ed. Thelma D. Sullivan (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1997), 210.
something painted (see Karttunen); painted in multiple colors; or, with spots, moles, or freckles; perhaps also a design with squiggly lines, bent, twisted, which is found in hieroglyphs (SW)
to make a low sound in the throat; for a person to hum or a dog to growl (see Karttunen) (an onomatopoetic word)
to force, persuade someone (see Karttunen)
something that is full of feces (see Molina)
a male(?) Barn Swallow or a baby(?) Barn Swallow (see cuicuitzcatl); or, if referring to a person, a drifter (see Molina)
barn swallow, a bird (see Hunn, attestations)