one who has a back or kidney ailment (see Molina)
the aching of the kidneys or the back (see Molina)
hair; or, the backbone
for people to clap each other on the back while embracing (see Karttunen)
the backs of animals (see Molina)
back-bone (see Karttunen)
a type of beetle (see Karttunen)
to shrink one's body when being whipped (see Molina)
a paunchy or big-bellied man (see Molina)
to skin the rump or removed the tail of animals or birds (see Molina)
to pull a dog's tail, or some other animal's tail (see Molina)
something bobtailed, docked (see Karttunen)
to skin the rump of a bird or to take off its tail (see Molina)
commoners, vassals (a metaphor)