Letter P: Displaying 1501 - 1520 of 1583

something foamy or frothy (see Molina)


the foam or froth from something (see Molina)


to make foam or froth, to become foamy (see Molina)

for the pot (or the like) to become frothy or foamy (see Molina)

something that has foam or froth (see Molina)


for the pot (or the like) to become frothy or foamy (see Molina)


for the pot to boil; or, for the sea to become turbulent and foamy (see Molina and Karttunen)


to be filled with anger, annoyance, or wrath (see Molina)

1. for soap or coffee to foam. 2. for spoiling food to foam.
# 1. jabón se hace espuma cuando una persona la ocupa con agua. “cuando mi abuela lava con jabón de polvo se hace mucho espuma”. 2. Comida se hace espuma cuando ya tiene mucho que se ha echado a perderse. “cuando una comida lo menean y hace mucho calor luego, luego se hace espuma encima porque se hace agrio o amargo”.

to cook something in a pot, or to make something boil, or to bring up froth or foam (see Molina)

to make soap foam in water.
# una persona hace aguado un tipo de jabón con agua y hace bolitas blancas encima. “Cuando Ana ocupa un tipo de jabón primero hace un poco espuma y después ya lo ocupa”.

the fervor of something that is boiling, or the fierceness of he person who is very angry (see Molina)

something that is frothy or foamy (see Molina)


the foam or froth of something that is cooked over fire (see Molina)


(a person who is?) alarmed, or full of wrath and anger (see Molina)


(a person who is?) alarmed, or full of wrath and anger (see Molina)

Orthographic Variants: 

a plant used in treating fractures (see Karttunen)

Orthographic Variants: 

something broken Cecilio Agustín Robelo, Nombres geográficos mexicanos del estado de Veracruz (1902), 133.

the term may also refer to a turn or a corner on a parcel of land, or a landscape feature (see attestations)


to split, to break lengthwise (see Karttunen)