Letter T: Displaying 4381 - 4400 of 13484

creator of people

rocky place.

an early ruler of Tlaxcala (Ocotelulco) in the autonomous era (i.e. before European colonization)


an incitement or a provocation with which one provokes or incites another person (see Molina)


one who incites (see Molina)

Orthographic Variants: 

a place of pleasure and recreation (see Molina)

the incitation or provocation that provokes another person (see Molina)

in a perverted way, or perverting others; and, to disrupt a trial or a judgment (see Molina)

a confessor (see Molina)


a confessor (a neologism)
Susanne Klaus, Uprooted Christianity: The Preaching of the Christian Doctrine in Mexico, Based on Franciscan Sermons of the 16th Century Written in Nahuatl (Bonn: Bonner Amerikanistische Studien e. V. c/o Seminar für Völkerkunde, Universität Bonn, 1999), 251.

a confession (see Molina)

a book used for helping people to confess (see Molina)

the confessional, the place where people go to confess their sins (see Molina)

a confessor (see Molina)

something that torments and greatly afflicts the heart (see Molina)

Orthographic Variants: 
Orthographic Variants: 

one who incites or provokes others (see Molina)

one who incites or provokes others (see Molina)