what? (interrogative), but when preceded by in, that which (see Lockhart, Karttunen, and Molina)
what? what may it be? (see Karttunen)
what in the world? what the devil? (see Karttunen)
why? (see Karttunen)
a personal name, "What in the World For?" James Lockhart (The Nahuas, 1992, 121) translated this name from the c. 1580 census of Culhuacan.
a clay censer or something similar for carrying fire (see Molina), an incense ladle, a hand-held brazier
to make fire with a hand drill made from a stick (see Molina)
a kingdom of Tula (Tollan) that pertained to the Toltecs
(central Mexico, sixteenth century) Literaturas de Anahuac y del Incario / Literatures of Anahuac and the Inca, ed. Miguel León-Portilla (Mexico City: Siglo Veintiuno Editories, 2006), 192.
to suffer something with anguish (see Molina)
an incense ladle
Fray Bernardino de Sahagún, Primeros Memoriales, ed. Thelma D. Sullivan (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1997), 210.