Letter T: Displaying 12361 - 12380 of 13479

abbreviation for totēcuiyo, our lord (the final o is usually elevated in the abbreviation)

James Lockhart, Nahuatl as Written: Lessons in Older Written Nahuatl, with Copious Examples and Texts (Stanford: Stanford University Press and UCLA Latin American Studies, 2001), 240.

fourth ruler of the Toltecs in Tollan (Tula), a man

Anónimo mexicano, ed. Richley H. Crapo and Bonnie Glass-Coffin (Logan, UT: Utah State University Press, 2005), 8.

kisses; lips (see Molina); note how this seems possessed in the first person plural; also, the te- of texipalli could be ten-, from tentli (lips)

Orthographic Variants: 
Orthographic Variants: 
Orthographic Variants: 
totlancoch quaquauh

wisdom teeth (see Molina)

Orthographic Variants: 