Letter T: Displaying 12381 - 12400 of 13479
Orthographic Variants: 
Orthographic Variants: 
married or older man.
Orthographic Variants: 

totli = synonym for the Prairie Falcon
tohtli = synonym for falcons in general
(see Hunn, attestations)

the black part of the eye (see Molina)


to keep on (e.g. raining); to keep at something; to continue; to run fast and hurry; in the passive, totoco, this seems to mean to be sent into exile (see Molina, Lockhart, and attestations)

to plant, after all.
1. to chase s.o. off. 2. to chase each other around. 3. to scare s.o. or s.t. off.
A. 1. Persona que le dice a otra que se vaya. “Juan corre a su hijo porque es muy flojo y no quiere hacer nada.” 2. Persona, animal silvestre y animal domestico corre por una cosa. “Esos perros se corretean porque se quitan un hueso.” 3. B. Correr o corretear.

in a lot of pain and very sick (see Molina)

a building where birds were kept by majordomos, and where artisans did a lot of work, possibly also where wild animals were kept (see Sahagún)