Letter Y: Displaying 81 - 100 of 1261
Orthographic Variants: 

to have a runny nose (see Karttunen)

an odor from the nose (see Molina)

to cover something with a shadow or shade, or to make a shade or shadow (see Molina)


long-nosed (see Molina)

a long nose (someone with a metlapilli, in terms of a nose)
Michel Launey, An Introduction to Classical Nahuatl, translated and adapted by Christopher MacKay (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011), 233.

a nose ornament (see attestations)

very thin nose plug (literally, nose arrow) (Olko); or, a nose rod (Sahagún)
Justyna Olko, Turquoise Diadems and Staffs of Office: Elite Costume and Insignia of Power in Aztec and Early Colonial Mexico (Warsaw: Polish Society for Latin American Studies and Centre for Studies on the Classical Tradition, University of Warsaw, 2005), 167–168.


for one’s nose to tickle (see Karttunen)

Orthographic Variants: 

to guide; to lead

those who are led, the macehualtin (from Sahagún, translation by Thelma Sullvan)


to tackle or tie up people or animals (see Molina)


to guide others, or to train someone who is blind (see Molina)


little bits of worm-like material that come out of the nose when the point of the nose is squeezed (see Molina)


blunt nose (see Molina)

to bend the tip of s.t. that belongs to another person.
# Nic. Una persona dobla un poquito el extremo de una cosa que es de otro. “Martín cuando pide prestado el machete de Edgar y corta un palo que es muy duro, inmediatamente lo dobla”.
for the tip of s.t. to bruise.
for the tips of ripe fruit to become smashed.
the edge or border of s.t.

estate of the eldest, entailed estate (see Karttunen)


first born, eldest (see Molina and Karttunen)