Northern Shoveler, a bird (see Hunn, attestations)
a person with a straight and long nose (see Molina)
some kind of bug or insect (see the simplex glyph for the name Yacapich in the Matrícula de Huexotzinco, f. 660 verso, and the Codex Mendoza f. 8 recto and 24 verso); perhaps also the name of a plant (see attestations)
to draw something out into a point (see Karttunen)
to taper the point of something (see Molina)
Eared Grebe, a bird (see Hunn, attestations)
something pointed (see Karttunen)
point (see Karttunen)
to smoke in someone's face, or blow smoke up someone's nose (see Molina)
to wipe one's nose (see Molina)
to clean one’s nose (see Karttunen)
a stench from the nose (see Molina)
someone who has no nose (see Molina)
to cut someone's nose off; or, to dull something or break the tip of something (see Molina)
nasally; or, someone who speaks through the nose (see Molina)
to speak through the nose (see Molina)