Letter A: Displaying 241 - 260 of 2522
Orthographic Variants: 
acan ixmaui

a presumptuous and shameful person (see Molina)

lacking rest, lacking calmness (see Molina; he has put this in the first person singular, I am lacking rest, I am not calm)

Orthographic Variants: 
acan ompoui

something insufficient or lacking; someone to whom no one pays attention (see Molina)

something insufficient or lacking; someone to whom no one pays attention (see Molina)

Orthographic Variants: 
acan oyeuati

something insufficient or lacking; someone to whom no one pays attention (see Molina)

something healthy and whole, without flaws (see Molina)

an antisocial person, not a friend to anyone; a person who cannot converse (see Molina)

Orthographic Variants: 
acan teneneuixca

something without parallel, without equal (see Molina)

Orthographic Variants: 
acan tetlaneui

something very like another thing, difficult to differentiate (see Molina)


nowhere, no place (see Molina, Karttunen, Lockhart, etc.)


to settle a boat or pull it up on land; or, to winnow seeds using the wind (see Molina)

Orthographic Variants: 

medicinal plant with radish-like leaves (see Karttunen)

Orthographic Variants: 

reed mat (see Karttunen)


mat made of reeds or canes (see Molina and Karttune)

a stand of reeds (see Molina)


a reed, or a type of cane (see Molina)

a woman's name; in the Historia Tolteca Chichimeca, she is mentioned as being a wife (zohuatl), apparently of an Olmec Xicalanca tlahtoani (sixteenth century, Quauhtinchan)
Historia Tolteca-Chichimeca, eds. Paul Kirchhoff, Lina Odena Güemes, y Luis Reyes García (México: CISINAH, INAH-SEP, 1976), 152.

Orthographic Variants: 

a port on the Pacific coast; the American end of the trans-Pacific trade carried by the Manila galleons (see attestations)

worried, preoccupied, disconcerted (see Molina)

Orthographic Variants: 

to cut reeds