Letter A: Displaying 161 - 180 of 2518
Orthographic Variants: 

for a field to revert to reeds, canes


to calm the boat or ship

to go beneath the level of the water

to wet one’s feet by putting them in water.

to dive; to submerge something; to send someone off in the water; to push something under the water; or, to flood something

put water inside a building.
# 1. ni. una persona lleva agua adentro de la casa. “Mi hermana mayor cuando mete agua a la casa siempre se cae porque moja donde camina”. 2. nic/nimo una persona moja a alguien, un animal o una vaca y una cosa donde hay agua. “Cuando Darío baña su caballo lo mete bien en el agua porque dice que asi sale bien su mugre”.
to put s.o. or s.t. in water.
# 1. ni. una persona lleva agua adentro de la casa. “Mi hermana mayor cuando mete agua a la casa siempre se cae porque moja donde camina”. 2. nic/nimo una persona moja a alguien, un animal o una vaca y una cosa donde hay agua. “Cuando Darío baña su caballo lo mete bien en el agua porque dice que asi sale bien su mugre”.
to put s.t. that belongs to s.o. in water.
# una persona mete al agua una cosa de otra perona porque quiere se ablande. “Mario mete la ropa de Martín porque lo hizo enojar”.

shield-boat people (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
R. Joe Campbell, Florentine Codex Vocabulary, 1997 .


war boat(s); literally, shield-boat(s)

(central Mexico, sixteenth century)
R. Joe Campbell, Florentine Codex Vocabulary, 1997 .


in shield-boats, with the use of shield-boats (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
R. Joe Campbell, Florentine Codex Vocabulary, 1997 .


relating to boats; in a boat; in the boat (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
R. Joe Campbell, Florentine Codex Vocabulary, 1997 .

Orthographic Variants: 
acalquachpanquauitl, acalquachpanquahuitl

boat mast (see Molina)

Orthographic Variants: 
acalquachpantli, acalquachpanitl

the sail of a boat or ship (see Molina)

Orthographic Variants: 

a boat mast (see Molina)

stern of a boat or ship

boat owners (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
R. Joe Campbell, Florentine Codex Vocabulary, 1997 .

Orthographic Variants: 

he who takes boats out of the water (see Molina)

Orthographic Variants: 

to steer the ship with the rudder (see Molina)

Orthographic Variants: 
acalueltecani, acalueltecac

he who steers the ship with the rudder