Letter A: Displaying 121 - 140 of 2522

which of those, or who is that person?

who is this person?

Orthographic Variants: 

who? which one?


someone, who, which (see Molina and Karttunen)

for s.o. or an animal to be someplace (used only in the negative).
A. está una persona o una animal silvestre. Sólo se utiliza con AX- y otras palabras negativas. ACA no se utiliza con el tiempo presente: vea ACAH, ACAHMEH. “Mi mamá no va a estar mañana porque va a Chicontepec”.
for s.o.’s skin to blister.
A. se levanta la piel de una persona o se le hace una ampoya donde se quemo con el fuego o agua caliente. la mama de miguel se le ampoyo la mano donde se quemo ayer.
for water or pus to leak from a sore or a blister.
# Una persona se infla un pedazo de su cuero. “Empieza a inflarse ese grano en la espalda de María”.
Orthographic Variants: 
Acacalotl (capitalized for being a species)

White-faced Ibis (see Hunn in attestations)


to drink water, bringing it to the mouth many times with the hand (see Molina)


a type of grasshopper, locust

Orthographic Variants: 

a type of grasshopper, locust (see Molina)


a type of grasshopper, locust


Least Bittern (bird) (see Hunn, in attestations)

a place name; location of a reed hedge
Citing Durán, 1579, in the Gran Diccionario Náhuatl, https://gdn.iib.unam.mx/diccionario/acachinanco/188725

a reed hedge; or an enclosure made of reeds
See Yan García's flashcards, where he gives "corral de carrizo.; a reed pen," https://www.brainscape.com/flashcards/other-7421380/packs/12145059

Orthographic Variants: 

a reed or a cane basket, at least in some places used for tortillas

Orthographic Variants: 

son of Tezcatl Popocatzin, who was the son of don Diego de San Francisco Tehuetzquititzin and doña María, daughter of Huehue Mauhcaxochitzin (all according to Chimalpahin); such a genealogy links pre-contact with Spanish colonial times (central Mexico, seventeenth century)
Codex Chimalpahin: Society and Politics in Mexico Tenochtitlan, Tlatelolco, Culhuacan, and Other Nahuatl Altepetl in Central Mexico; The Nahuatl and Spanish Annals and Accounts Collected and Recorded by don Domingo de San Antón Muñón Chimalpahin Quauhtlehuanitzin, eds. and transl. Arthur J. O. Anderson and Susan Schroeder (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1997), vol. 2, 98–99.

Orthographic Variants: 

first, at first (adverb) (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
R. Joe Campbell, Florentine Codex Vocabulary, 1997 .

first, firstly (adverb) (see Molina)