cacao bean(s), also known as cocoa beans (see Molina); and by extension, other small, hard round things such as beans, nuts, and eggs; cacao beans also served as money; the word cacahuatl additionally refers to the cacao plant(s)
commonly called the "cacao" flower (botanical name: Quararibea funebris), but this is not botanically related to the cacao tree, it is an herb used in making the beverage called tejate; it also has medicinal value (see attestations)
for the bells to ring; or, for a pottery container that has little stones in it to rattle; or, for cocoa beans or the like to be damaged when they are counted or thrown on the ground (see Molina) (an onomatopoetic word)
for s.t. that is hollow and filled with small things to make a loud sound upon falling or being shaken.
A. Una cosa que se cai o lo avientan y se escucha fuerte.”Aquel huaje se escucha porque ya se secó su semilla”.