Letter T: Displaying 4101 - 4120 of 13472

to say terrible and scandalous things, or to discover a secret and have it cause a great malaise and scandal (see Molina)

Orthographic Variants: 

to become smooth (see Sahagún)

Orthographic Variants: 
tetzcaliuhticac ohtli

a road, or ground that has been well swept and is clean (see Molina)

Orthographic Variants: 
tetzcohcatl, tetzcucatl, tetzcuca, tetzcocatl

someone from Tetzcoco (spelled Texcoco today) (see Karttunen)

Orthographic Variants: 
Tezcoco, Tezcuco, Tetzcuco, Texcoco, Tetzcohco, Tetzicocon, Tetzicoco

a place name; a very important altepetl, founded by the Acolhua people, located in the eastern area of the Nahua heartland


to shave a lot (see Molina)

a small hill, a place name with Chichimec origins and which Pomar does not explain, but which seems to have the same etymological origins as Tetzcoco (see the attestations)


Sarah Cline, "The Book of Tributes: The Cuernavaca-region Censuses," in James Lockhart, Lisa Sousa, and Stephanie Wood, eds., Sources and Methods for the Study of Postconquest Mesoamerican Ethnohistory (Eugene, OR: Wired Humanities Project, e-book, 2007.

Orthographic Variants: 

ant hill of a particular type of ant (see Karttunen)