Letter T: Displaying 13101 - 13120 of 13443

Turquoise-browed Motmot, a bird (see Hunn, attestations)


to spoil (speaking of fruit that is just getting started growing), to wrinkle, get damaged


damaged fruit (see Molina)

Orthographic Variants: 
tzohualli, tzohoalli

cakes; dough (see Sahagún)


dirty water (see Molina)


a wart (see Molina)


something very small (see Karttunen)

for a sick chicken, turkey, or other to become listless and isolate itself
listless: used to describe a sick chicken, bird or turkey that isolates itself and whose feathers stick up.
to kiss s.o.
# Nic. Una persona le haya a otro con sus labios. “Mayte besa a su esposo Juan porque lo quiere mucho”.
to kiss s.o.’s baby or partner.
# Nic. Una persona acerca la boca a otro, su hijo o su amorcito.”Lalo le besa la mitad de la naranja de Fabián y empiezan a pelearse”.
Orthographic Variants: 

a small thing, a bit (the absolutive, tzocotl or tzotzocotl, is elusive when researched; and this usage does not seem to relate to zocotl, which is a tree, today called the jocote in Mexican Spanish)

1. to overheat clothing or s.t. made of rubber or plastic that belongs to s.o. else and have it crumple, shrink and melt. 2. to take in an article of s.o.’s clothing that is too big.
# 1. Nic. Una persona quema la ropa, nailo, plástico de otro y después se arruga. “Simón quema la ropa de Rubén con la plancha porque es un bromista”. 2. Nic. Una persona arregla la ropa de alguien que está grande. “Alejandra va a dejar su ropa en casa de Nina y ella le reduce el pantalón porque está muy grande de las piernas”.
1. for s.t. to shrink on contact with fire. 2. for a snake or a worm to contract due to a noise or a threat.
# Ropa, hule y nailo se hace pequeño cuando le haya fuego. “Martín quemó un nailo que estaba tirado en el patio y nadamás de hizo chiquito”.
1. for heat to crumple, shrink and melt s.t. made of rubber or plastic. 2. to take in an article of clothing that is too big. 3. for a worm or snake to cringe and contract when it is threatened.
to wheeze (to breath with difficulty).
# Ni. Una persona tiene tos y no puede respirar. “Reina su hijito tiene asma por eso nadamás a llorado”.
a kind of asthma.
Orthographic Variants: 

goldfinch (a bird)

Orthographic Variants: 

to stain something (see Karttunen)