Letter T: Displaying 13121 - 13140 of 13443
Orthographic Variants: 

a certain medicinal root (see Molina)

Orthographic Variants: 

something dirty, stained (see Karttunen)


(central Mexico, sixteenth century)
Fr. Bernardino de Sahagún, Florentine Codex: General History of the Things of New Spain; Book 10 -- The People, No. 14, Part 11, eds. and transl. Arthur J. O. Anderson and Charles E. Dibble (Santa Fe and Salt Lake City: School of American Research and the University of Utah, 1961), 112.


thick body sweat (see Molina)

for s.t. to shrink a lot on contact with fire
# Ropa, hule y nailo se hace pequeño cuando le haya fuego. “Martín quemó un nailo que estaba tirado en el patio y nadamás de hizo chiquito”.
for heat to crumple, shrink and melt s.t. made of rubber or plastic.
plastic sheet that has become very wrinkled on contact with fire.
for many things to become sumerged in water.
to cut wood, grass, meat or other things with a machete or ax.
# Nic. Una persona corta con un machete en pedazitos palo, yerba, carne y otra cosa. “Cuando hacen una fiesta, matan vacas y después su carne lo cortan en pedazitos”.
to break s.t. long and hard that belongs to s.o. else into pieces
# Nic. Una persona corta en pedazos una cosa de comida que está duro y largos para otro. “Rogelio le corta en pedazos la caña de su hijo porque el todavía esta chiquito”.
to close up many holes, or to darn a piece of clothing with many holes.
# Nic. Una persona tapa o remienda un lugar donde esta roto o agujereado. “Arturo le ordenaron que tape los agujeros donde han hecho los armadillos para que se vayan a meter los pies”.
to close up many holes for s.o., or to darn a piece of s.o.’s clothing with many holes.
# Nic. Una persona tapa con algo una cosa agujereada de otro. “Zoila su servilleta lo tapa Irma porque solo eso le faltaba para terminarlo”.

a gourd cup (see Karttunen); a large gourd, sometimes damaged (see Karttunen); sometimes translated as jícara or tecomate in Mexican Spanish

Orthographic Variants: 
tzovactlā tlacpac

one of the boundaries of the Nonohualca of Tollan (Tula)
Historia Tolteca-Chichimeca, 4v. Taken from the image of the folio published in Dana Leibsohn, Script and Glyph: Pre-Hispanic History, Colonial Bookmaking, and the Historia Tolteca-Chichimeca (Washington D.C.: Dumbarton Oaks, 2009), 65. Paleography and regularization of this toponym by Stephanie Wood.

Orthographic Variants: 
Orthographic Variants: 
Orthographic Variants: 
Orthographic Variants: 
Orthographic Variants: 

to lasso, to hunt with a lasso, to get tangled up in a lasso (see Molina)