Letter M: Displaying 2441 - 2460 of 2878

for people to come to agreement or discuss things among themselves

to be called s.t. (is this reflexive showing influence from the Spanish, llamarse?) (see attestations)

a man’s father-in-law.

father-in-law, the father of one's wife (see Molina and Karttunen)

for the son-in-law to go to live his parents-in-law.
A. Persona hombre se casa y se queda en la casa de su suegro. ”José se quedo a vivir en la casa de sus suegros porque su esposa no quiso ir a su casa” B. Hombre que vive en casa de su suegro.

to take a father-in-law by marrying his daughter (see Karttunen)

husband of a man’s sister-in-law.
Orthographic Variants: 

son-in-law, daughter-in-law (see Karttunen)


son-in-law (see Karttunen)

s.o.ʻs son-in-law.
to pile things up.
# una persona lo deja junto muchas cosas y se ve parece un cerrito. “Victor y su hermano cortaron yerbas y amontonan la basura para quemarlo”.

a mount (a tool) (see attestations)

a religious structure related to Easter; a wooden monument upon which to hold Mass (a loanword from Spanish)

covered or dressed (see Molina); wrapped up (see Siméon)

Orthographic Variants: 
mopalticaqua tlatetzauhtli chichiualayotl, mopalticaqua tlatetzauhtli chichihualayotl

cottage cheese, curds, or ricotta-type cheese (see Molina)