Letter M: Displaying 1481 - 1500 of 2874

a worm that lives in the maguey plant (see Molina)


the long shoot or sprout of the maguey plant (see Molina)

grant, permission, or a grant of privilege or of land
(a loanword from Spanish)

Orthographic Variants: 
mersenario, mercenadio

a Mercedarian, a member of the religious order
(a loanword from Spanish)

constable or watchman in an outlying district
(a loanword from Spanish)

The Tlaxcalan Actas: A Compendium of the Records of the Cabildo of Tlaxcala (1545-1627), eds. James Lockhart, Frances Berdan, and Arthur J.O. Anderson (Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, 1986), 153.

(a loanword from Spanish)

a table covering, a tablecloth
(partly a loanword from Spanish, mesa, table)

(a loanword from Spanish)

Orthographic Variants: 

the head of the table (partly a loanword from Spanish, mesa, table; see Molina)

small tablecloths (see Molina)
(partially a loanword from Spanish, mesa, table)

Orthographic Variants: 
meson, mexo

an inn, a place of lodging for travelers
(a loanword from Spanish)

Orthographic Variants: 
mestiço, mextiço, mestisotzin, meztiço, mextiso

a person of mixed heritage, European and indigenous; the female version is mestiza
(a loanword from Spanish)

Orthographic Variants: 

a metaphor
Fr. Bernardino de Sahagún, Florentine Codex: General History of the Things of New Spain; Book 6 -- Rhetoric and Moral Philosophy, No. 14, Part 7, eds. and transl. Arthur J. O. Anderson and Charles E. Dibble (Santa Fe and Salt Lake City: School of American Research and the University of Utah, 1961), 1.


the heart or core of the maguey plant (an agave) (see Molina)


to plant magueyes (agave plants) (see Molina)

a row of agaves (magueyes)

terrace, embankment, or a sloping semi-terrace field (typically planted in magueyes?)

Stephanie Wood, as found in studies of terracing and other land use. See, for example, the research of R. Hunter, 2009, or A. Sluyter 1992 and 2002.

Orthographic Variants: 
metl nicaquia

to plant magueyes (agave plants) (see Molina)

Orthographic Variants: 
metli, mel

maguey plant, century plant, agave; the basis for the production of pulque and mezcal, alcoholic beverages (see Molina and Karttunen)

a parcel of land with agaves (e.g. magueyes) growing on it (see attestations)