hand-held grinding stone, typically used for grinding maize kernels by hand on a large flat stone; the hand-held stone is usually paired (as a child to a parent) with this large flat stone, the metlatl (metate as loaned to Spanish) (see Karttunen and attestations)
a grinding stone (loaned to Spanish as metate) S. L. Cline, Colonial Culhuacan, 1580-1600: A Social History of an Aztec Town (Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1986), 236.
(sixteenth century, Tepetlaoztoc) Barbara J. Williams and H. R. Harvey, The Códice de Santa María Asunción: Facsimile and Commentary: Households and Lands in Sixteenth-Century Tepetlaoztoc (Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, 1997), 132–133.
# Nic. Una persona, animal silvestre y animal domestico le duele su pierna. “Le lastimé la pierna de mi hermano con un palo porque le pegue muy fuerte”.