to contradict someone (see Karttunen)
demons or devils (see Molina)
to form, to fabricate, to mold, or to engender (see Molina)
one who forms and shapes something (see Molina)
the act of forming something or generating it (see Molina)
something formed and shaped, created (see Molina)
a pious and humane person (see Molina and Karttunen)
a vassal who has been alleviated of tribute payments, or who has been given a reduction of what must be paid (see Molina)
one who inflates something half way (see Molina)
the act of inflating something half way (see Molina)
something inflated or filled half way (see Molina)
with piety and humanity (see Molina)
the piety, humanity, politeness, courtesy, civility, etc., of a tamed person (see Molina)
to see very well, the redupicated form of tlachia
to go see; or, to look at something often (see Molina)