meek and tamed (see Molina)
the act of prohibiting or forbidding something, or hindering (see Molina)
one who puts up obstacles or forbids things (see Molina)
to become damaged or waste away (see Molina)
to bamboozle someone, to speak blarney, or to take someone in with sweet talk or gifts (see Molina)
the act of sweet talking or winning someone over with gifts, blarney, etc. (see Molina)
to shoot a blowgun (see Karttunen)
to offend, mimic, mock, and damage someone (see Molina)
to robe everything that existed in a house; to destroy what is planted and bearing fruit (e.g. with ice, hail, stones, etc.)
to obey (see Karttunen); to be obedient (see Sahagún)
obedience (see Karttunen)
the person who is obeyed (see Molina)
to be obstinate and persevere in wrongdoing; or, to become crazy and foolish (see Molina)
crazy (in the reverential)
(sixteenth century, central Mexico) Andrés de Olmos, Tratado sobre los Siete Pecados Mortales, ed. Georges Baudot (México: UNAM, 1996), 62–64.
something or someone very much mistreated, shaken, shoved around, or dragged and pulled to and fro (see Molina)
to pretend to be brave, to put up a brave front (see Karttunen)
to hear or listen to various things (see Karttunen)
to contradict someone (see Karttunen)
demons or devils (see Molina)
to form, to fabricate, to mold, or to engender (see Molina)