Letter X: Displaying 941 - 960 of 1054

a lame person who walks on tiptoes

Orthographic Variants: 

the stench of a sulfur stone (see Molina)

s.t. that smells like egg.
for a person who is preparing food to leave an odor of egg where they are working.
for s.t. to smell like egg.
Orthographic Variants: 

of fetid smell, having a fetid smell (see Sahagún)

Orthographic Variants: 
xoqujiatic, xoquiiatic


(sixteenth century, central Mexico)
Fr. Bernardino de Sahagún, Florentine Codex: General History of the Things of New Spain; Book 10 -- The People, No. 14, Part 11, eds. and transl. Arthur J. O. Anderson and Charles E. Dibble (Santa Fe and Salt Lake City: School of American Research and the University of Utah, 1961), 132.


lame in one foot

to put a halter on a horse


lame in one foot


lame in one foot

lame in both feet

lame in both feet


lame in both feet

Orthographic Variants: 

cracks in one's feet


a man with large, thick feet


the color, green; a sprout or a shoot on a plant; also, foot
Thomas S. Denison, Mexican Linguistics, including an introduction by H. W. Magoun (1913), 8.


for the earth to burn; or, to ignite charcoal; or, for flowers to bud; to have a high fever (see Molina and Karttunen)


to cut a canvas along the length; or to make lines or saw wood

1. to hit s.o. or s.t. with a car. 2. to squash an insect or s.t. with one’s foot.
# Persona con su carro pasa sobre alguien, un animal silvestre y animal domestico puede que se muera en ese momento. “el maestro atropelló un perro cuando andaba borracho.”