Letter A: Displaying 2001 - 2020 of 2512
Orthographic Variants: 

something watered, watery (see Karttunen)


to spray someone with water (see Molina)

splash someone with water

a person who transports water.

a personal name; and seen attested as the name or title of a high judge (see Sahagún)

in the ravine, in ravines (see attestations), and the ravine probably has water at the bottom, so the contemporary Eastern Huastecan meaning, "at the river," suggests a similar sense

at the river.
deep part of a river.
Orthographic Variants: 

a placename; an indigenous community to the west of the Basin of Mexico, in what is now the state of Mexico

1. at, on, to the river bank. 2. above the river bank.

a place with ravines (see Molina), typically with water at the bottom

Orthographic Variants: 
atlautli, ātlauhtli

deep ravine, gorge, canyon, canyon, valley, gully, precipice (see Molina and attestations)

stream, or a small canyon with or without water (see Molina); the translation stream suggests that atlauhtli would also have meant river in early Nahuatl, as it does today in contemporary Eastern Huastecan Nahuatl

mountain gorge, ravine (see Molina), probably created by water drainage, as "river corner" is one possible literal translation of the two elements that make up atlauhxomolli

a place full of cliffs, canyons (see Molina); water could be involved, given the meaning of atlauhtontli


to open a mound in order to let the irrigation water into the field; to flood a field with irrigation water (see Molina and Rémi Siméon)

Orthographic Variants: 

to fight or to agonize with death (see Molina)

Orthographic Variants: 

something of little worth (see Molina)

Orthographic Variants: 
atle ay

a lazy person (see Molina)