C / CH

Letter C/CH: Displaying 601 - 620 of 5729

to hold something in one’s mouth (see Karttunen)

Orthographic Variants: 

to blunder in speech (see Karttunen)

for s.o.’s breath to smell bad.
# una persona cuando habla no huele bonito su aliento .”mi amigo le huele mucho la boca talvez no se lavo los dientes

bad breath (see Molina)


to finish eating (see Karttunen)

chambers of a judge (see attestations)


the palate(s) of the mouth (see Molina)

to cover someone's mouth to quiet that person, using a slap (transitive); to slap oneself in the mouth multiple times (reflexive) (see Molina)

for a spicy, salty of unripe food to sting one’s mouth.

to kick someone in the mouth (see Karttunen)

for a person or an animal to fill its mouth up with a specific food.
for a person or an animal to fill its mouth up with food.
for a person to fill s.o.’s mouth up with a specific food.
at the edge of s.o. or an animal’s mouth.
Orthographic Variants: 

to get ones mouth bruised; to bruise someone on the mouth(see Karttunen)

to give s.o. or an animal s.t. to drink directly in their mouth.
#una persona le da a otra o a un animal sobre o en la boca una cosa que se come o el chile que esta aguado .”pedro le pone medicamento a su perro por que tiene el ocico o encias inflamadas

fully loaded (as in a cart) (?)


1) large carts (see Molina); 2) cheek (see Sahagún)

to talk a lot.
A. una persona habla. “Mi suegra siempre le gusta hablar cuando la visitan sus familiares a su casa.
1. a mouthfull of food. 2. mouth (older Nahuatl).