a place name, one of the boundaries of the Nonohualca of Tollan (Tula) Historia Tolteca-Chichimeca, 4v. Taken from the image of the folio published in Dana Leibsohn, Script and Glyph: Pre-Hispanic History, Colonial Bookmaking, and the Historia Tolteca-Chichimeca (Washington D.C.: Dumbarton Oaks, 2009), 65. Paleography and regularization of this toponym by Stephanie Wood.
bone(s); also occasionally seen as a land measurement; possibly being a measure from the elbow to the wrist, or the length of the forearm (like the matzotzopaztli, perhaps; also note that the weaving batten was a tzotzopaztli, though usually a bit longer than the forearm bone)
# un poco del cuerpo de la persona, animal domestico o animal silvestre tiene adentro su carne y lo hace duro y esta muy difícil en quebrarse. “John no puede caminar por que ya esta viejo y le duele su hueso”