to torment, mistreat someone, to make someone suffer (see Karttunen)
a provocation, or the inciting of another (see Molina)
an instrument for measuring (see Molina)
to appease someone, placate them, or calm them down; also, to calm oneself down (see Sahagún and see Karttunen)
placation, the act of appeasing people (see Molina)
mistreatment by others (see Molina)
a confession, or the practice of confession(?) (see Karttunen)
a guide for confession (see Karttunen)
an invitation; or, the incitement or provocation of someone (see Karttunen, and by extension, Molina)
someone persuaded by others; or, provoked by others (see Molina)
something that has been sized up or weighed and measured with prudence and good sense (see Molina)
to give birth (see Karttunen)
the act of being warned gently or given thoughtful advice by others (see Molina)
consolation from others (see Molina)
the persuasion and provocation of others to get them to give in and do what is being urged (see Molina)
an offense; the act of being offended by others (see Molina)
something that has been measured with a ruler and a compass (see Molina)
the act of provoking others until they are angry (see Molina)