# palo que esta tirado ya seco y absorbe agua cuando llueve. “en la milpa de Silvia esta un trunco grueso esta bonito estaba seco después cayó agua y absorbió mucha agua”.
to amuse oneself, play (see Lockhart); to pass the time (see Molina); to play with something (see IDIEZ); or, to rape someone (see our entry for āhuiltia from IDIEZ, contemporary Eastern Huastecan Nahuatl)
A. 1. Persona mueve o abienta una cosa porque le gusta. “ Tomas juega con un carrito para no aborrirse.” 2. Persona que le hecha mentiras a otra. “ Mario engaño a perla porque le dijo que no tenia novia y si tenia.”
a certain water animal, like a little dog (says Molina), but interpreted to be the marsupial water oppossum in an article by Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water_opossum); Ahuitzotl was the name of the eighth ruler of Tenochtitlan, (or Ahuitzotzin, in the reverential); in contemporary times the ahuitzotl has been said to be a shape shifter who could transform himself into various animals, someone the people chased off, but he took with him all the local flora and fauna (see attestations)
to be happy, content (see Karttunen for what she says about derivations from this term having to do with behavior); this is āhuiya in contemporary Eastern Huastecan Nahuatl (see IDIEZ entries)