Letter T: Displaying 681 - 700 of 13469

government palace (see attestations)

a person's name (attested as male); the title of a person associated with the tecpan or perhaps the neighborhood surrounding it; sometimes there is a confusion between this term and Tepanecatl, a person of a certain ethnicity of prehispanic origins, connected to the Chichimecas and associated with the northern part of the basin of Mexico, whose principal altepetl was Azcapotzalco

to put things that belong to other people in a row.
1. to put people in order before beginning a job. 2. to set up tables and chairs for a meeting. 3. to pile things up in a orderly way. 4. to sow seeds or place stakes in a straight line in a furrow.
# 1. niquin/timo. Una persona los acomoda bien a otros cuando van a hacer una cosa. “El pagador los acomoda a las mujeres que reciben Oportunidades porque no quieren que se empujen”. 2. nic. Una persona los acomoda bien las sillas donde van a tener reunión las personas. “Juan ordenó las sillas de donde va a venir a sentarse el presidente municipal de Chicontepec y sus compañeros de trabajo”. 3. nic. Una persona ordena bien una cosa. “Yo ordeno el maíz y mi papá lo carea”. 4. nic. Una persona lo chanza o lo entierra bien la semilla de una fruta o verdura que va en los surcos. “Cuando siembra mi papá no quiere que le ayuden los jóvenes porque no lo llevan bien el surco del maíz, y nace bien chueco”.

a guardian of twenty (tribute payers), presuming this is short for centecpanpixqui; otherwise, perhaps this is one of the twenty tribute payers

he who orders, a member of the town council (cabildo); root is tecpan (municipal palace or royal palace)

Orthographic Variants: 

a courtier, member of a palace household or staff (see Karttunen)


to put people in order (see Molina)

"land belonging to the tecpan"

S. L. Cline, Colonial Culhuacan, 1580-1600: A Social History of an Aztec Town (Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1986), p. 237.

Orthographic Variants: 

line, column (see Karttunen)

Orthographic Variants: 
Tecpançacatl Achcauhtli

a person's name and title (probably constable; see achcauhtli) (attested as male)

Cuernavaca region, ca. 1540s
The Book of Tributes: Early Sixteenth-Century Nahuatl Censuses from Morelos, ed. and transl. S. L. Cline, (Los Angeles: UCLA Latin American Center Publications, 1993), 110–111.

the atrium of the palace (see Zapata y Mendoza)

Orthographic Variants: 
ce tectpatl, centecpatli, decpa, tepatl

flint, obsidian; flint-knife, obsidian-knife; twenty; also, a calendrical marker and a year bearer deity

Orthographic Variants: 

an herb whose juice "gets rid of harshness in the chest and is a singular remedy for palpitations and for blood in the bowels; and from this same root is made a very good lime for catching silly little birds"

The Mexican Treasury: The Writings of Dr. Francisco Hernández, ed. Simon Varey, transl. Rafael Chabrán, Cynthia L. Chamberlin, and Simon Varey (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2000), 139.

Orthographic Variants: 
tecpatlixquaua, tecpatlixquahua, tecpatl ixquahua, tecpahtliixcuahua

a flint knife that was used in the killing of people for sacrificial offerings to divinities or deities (see Molina)

for the jug to have little stones of flint so that the water cools (see Molina)

Orthographic Variants: 