C / CH

Letter C/CH: Displaying 5221 - 5240 of 5732
Orthographic Variants: 

to go over something without stepping on it (see Karttunen)

Orthographic Variants: 

medicine in powdered form (see Karttunen)

Orthographic Variants: 

something ground fine, powdered (see Karttunen)

s.t. finely ground.
# Algo bien chiquito que lo han hecho. “Está bien molido este masa por eso se hace bien bonito las tortillas”.

to crumble, chop up, tear up into little pieces, or grind something very well (see Molina)

to repeatedly grind corn dough or chile on the grinding stone.
for s.t. to be well ground.

1) a long spiraling shell (see Molina); we know from an example of a necklace made of seven of these shells that is is not a large as a conch, which was used for trumpeting;
2) residue (see Karttunen)

Orthographic Variants: 

residue (see Karttunen)

Orthographic Variants: 

to hurry (see Karttunen)

to get fed up or bored.
A. ni. una persona está solo y no hace nada. “Eduardo se aburre porque nadamás está”. B. aburrirse
to get fed up with s.t. or s.o.
A. nic. Una persona le mulesta mucho a alguien, y poreso ya no quiere ver. “ Leo lo aburre su suegro porque siempre le pregunta que va a hacer en su tarbajo”. B. Aburrirse de alguin.
for s.o. to make s.o. else get bored or fed up.
# una persona molesta mucho a otro con algo. “Leo me molesta mucho porque esta borracho y nomas habla mucho”.
Orthographic Variants: 

someone intelligent, nimble, lightweight, mischievous (see Karttunen)

Orthographic Variants: 

fox (see Karttunen)


mischievous, shameless, insolent (see Molina)

1. to make a big fuss with lots of noise. 2. for a domesticated animal to make a big fuss with lots of noise.
# una persona, animal silvestre y animal domestico lora mucho o grita fuerte. “mi hermano menor grita mucho cuando no le da comer mi mamá”.

to tremble

Michel Launey, An Introduction to Classical Nahuatl, translated and adapted by Christopher MacKay (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011), 149.

Orthographic Variants: 

to leave something out of fear (see Molina)

1. to make a big fuss with lots of noise. 2. for a domesticated animal to make a big fuss with lots of noise.

to be fatigued and afflicted in one's spirit (see Molina)