Letter X: Displaying 581 - 600 of 1054
flower necklace used in ceremonies.

flower tree or flowering tree (see attestations)

Orthographic Variants: 
xuchiqualquauitl, xochiqualquahuitl

fruit tree

Orthographic Variants: 
xuchiqualquauhtla, xochiqualquauhtla

a grove of fruit trees, an orchard

Orthographic Variants: 
xuchiqualli, xochiqualli

fruit(s), in general terms (see Molina)

Orthographic Variants: 
xōchihcualli, xochicuali

fruit, in general; or, bananas (see Karttunen)

Orthographic Variants: 
xuchiquallo, xochiquallo

a tree that has fruit, a fruit tree

Orthographic Variants: 

banana plantation (see Karttunen)

Orthographic Variants: 
xuchiqualtequi, xochiqualtequi

to pick fruit from a tree

Orthographic Variants: 
xuchiquauhtla, xochiquauhtla

a forest, woodland

Orthographic Variants: 

cross decorated with flowers (see Karttunen)

Orthographic Variants: 

to bloom in the manner of a flower (see Karttunen)

place with many flowers.
Orthographic Variants: 
xochioa, xuchioa, suchioa, Xochiva

literally, a possessor of flowers; someone who bewitches or seduces women (Wimmer 2004, citing Sahagún); Sahagún describes a doer of evil, a feminine man, and a "pervert" in different books; Xochihua is also a person's name (attested male in one place and female in another)

Orthographic Variants: 

yellow amaranth (see Molina)

Orthographic Variants: 

to cast a spell on a man so that he will love a woman

Jalapeño chilli pepper.

to provide flowers (see attestations)

flowers in a vase with water placed on an altar.
Orthographic Variants: 

one who produces and cares for flowers or gives flowers; perhaps the root verb is maca (to give) instead of mani (in the manner of); glyphs will show a hand-held bouquet, which may remind us that maitl (hand) is at the root of maca